Touched Twice feeds physical, spiritual needs
The Shelby Touched Twice Clinic didn’t disappoint. Visitors came for physical and emotional needs like medical screenings, nonperishable food, clothing, books, a Bible, hair care, family...
The Shelby Touched Twice Clinic didn’t disappoint. Visitors came for physical and emotional needs like medical screenings, nonperishable food, clothing, books, a Bible, hair care, family...
Churches in Shelby County pull together as need arises, as do individuals in the community, however, one upcoming annual event will need even more support. Shelby...
The Shelbyville Sentinel News shared an article about our 2021 clinic.
Article & Photo By Lisa King of Sentinal News Touched Twice Ministries had a very successful clinic in Shelby County for the second year in a...
Below is an article written by Joy Bolton of Kentucky Woman’s Missionary Union. The original article can be viewed on her website here. Folks in...