40 Days of Prayer

  1. Pray that God will begin to lay on everyone’s hearts a desire to attend the clinic

  2. Pray that God will encourage ALL churches to be involved and invite people to the clinic.

  3. Pray that anyone who does not know Christ as Savior would be touched and saved as a result of the clinic.

  4. Pray that ALL churches will be willing to promote the clinic in their congregation and community.

  5. Pray for the successful promotion and media coverage for the clinic.

  6. Pray that families needing assistance after the clinic will be provided the resources necessary to receive follow up from their local church.

  7. Pray that Satan’s efforts will be thwarted.

  8. Pray that details will be worked out for families to attend clinic (babysitting, transportation, etc).

  9. Pray that the Holy Spirit will work before, during and after the clinic.

  10. Pray God’s direction and shield of protection be around the leaders of the clinic. (Judy Phillips, Clinic Coordinator), all other specific area coordinators, and those helping in planning process.

  11. Pray for the kids that will be coming and those who will minister to them at the clinic.

  12. Pray for each member of the prayer group during the clinic, as well as all churches and prayer groups as lift up clinic before, during, and after.

  13. Pray for the advocates that will be assigned to each family and the relationship they will build the day of the clinic.

  14. Pray for the evangelism group to have the passion to share their faith with guests on the day of the clinic.

  15. Pray for all coordinators of the clinic as they plan and prepare with their groups.

  16. Pray for the revival service on the day of the clinic. Pray for the revival team and speaker, as they share God’s Word. Pray for those who do not believe, that they would come to know Jesus.

  17. Pray forthe coordinators as they plan the worship service and the dedication service on the day of the clinic.

  18. Pray for the publicity committee as they contact local media resources and make them aware of the clinic.

  19. Pray that God will provide all the volunteers needed on day of clinic (advocates who will be assigned to each guest or family on day of clinic) help them as they strive to get all services needed by each family.

  20. Pray for the Registration Team and those responsible for registering guests and assigning them to advocates.

  21. Pray for Gatekeepers and give them strength as they organize and maintain flow of appointments throughout the day.

  22. Pray for the Medical Team as they recruit providers in different areas to minister to the needs of families. (Doctors, tests, screenings, etc). Pray for the nurses that will be volunteering during the clinic.

  23. Pray for the Optical Group as they work in vision screening, assist with vision testing. Pray that eye glasses will be provided and those at clinic can be helped.

  24. Pray for the Dental Group and that those professionals will be available to provide dental care and follow up to clinic attendees.

  25. Pray for those volunteering in Food Services. Pray that the volunteers and coordinators will be provided the food needed to serve breakfast and lunch for all guests; pray for all who prepare and donate food.

  26. Pray for those who are working in food pantry and clothes closet – that food and clothing will be provided to distribute on the day of the clinic.

  27. Pray for monetary donations that will be used for all areas of clinic. Pray for giving hearts.

  28. Pray for the transportation organizers. Pray that vans, gas and drivers will be provided from churches to assist in getting families to the clinic.

  29. Pray for the Spa Group (Hairdressers), supplies needed for haircuts, makeup, etc. Pray that volunteers and donations will be available to provide this service for the clinic.

  30. Pray for those parking vehicles and the safety of entering and leaving the First Baptist Church Campus.

  31. Pray for good weather for people to get out to clinic.

  32. Pray for the groups that will be giving testimonies that the Holy Spirit will touch someone as a result of their witnessing and sharing God’s Love.

  33. Pray for the host church – Shelbyville First Baptist – in their campus preparations.

  34. Pray that enough volunteers will be available to meet the needs of those attending the clinic.

  35. Pray for volunteers in the photography area to help each guest or family to remember their experience at the clinic–and to have family portrait if they wish.

  36. Pray that God would soften hearts and that people would not hold back or be afraid to attend the clinic.

  37. Pray for the Dedication Service. This includes those preparing the service and the volunteers who will be assisting in the clinic.

  38. Pray for God’s direction as we make ourselves available–as we give HIM all the Glory–Thank HIM for calling us to this ministry as we serve in HIS name.

  39. Pray for strength for the volunteers in all areas. “I can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens me” {bible 51}Philippians 4:13{/bible}

  40. Pray that God’s Love would be magnified on the day of the clinic, that no matter what situation or difficulty someone might be facing, they can count on this — JESUS IS THE ANSWER.  Pray that those attending would feel the warmth and love in each volunteer so much that they will want to experience it also.